In the last years the need to put a rigid control on the effects that the chemical substances, produced by companies and industries, can influence people and environment, has grown. In fact, it's important to note that the pollution is due to the dispersion of no more used chemical substances, even general substances and substances contained in articles, selled on the market (computers, electrical devices) and so on... all of this products damages the people and the environment, and the controls needed to prevent this effects are low.

For this reason, REACH comes (Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals), that is a recently introduced normative that consists of a rigid control on all the life cicle of a substance or an article: design, production, importing from foreign companies, delivering of substances to the users, creation of documents that specifies how to use that substance, and the reduction of tests on animals and environment too.

This normative was approved and is active since 1st June 2008, and obliges the manufacturer companies of chemical substances to respect it. K4ICT is able to provide consultance and techincal assistance services for chemical substances interested to meet the obligations established by the European Union to continue to sell their products. The following section describes the REACH system and the services that K4ICT is able to provide to the interested companies.

Introduction Pre-registration Registration IUCLID 5

Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH) is the 2006/1907 regulation of the European Union about registration, evaluation, authorisation and restriction of chemical substances, and establishes an European Agency for chemical substances with the consequent registration of many chemical substances imported or produced inside the E.U., new or just existing in the E.U. territory. This system aims to guarantee a greater security on the field of manufacturing and use of chemical substances.

REACH obliges the industries to collect complete information on properties of produced or imported substance, for a quantity greater than one tonnage for year, and obliges to demonstrate the security about the use of that substance. With the preceeding normative, the public authorities of the Member States had to demonstrate the existence of a risk so that to deny the use of a substance. The actual inversion of this test guarantee a greater effectiveness of the procedure.

These information must be subsequently transmitted to the European Agency of chemical products, that aims to manage these procedures. The Agency is located to Helsinki, and manages the registration of substances through the creation of data bases. Without the registration, a substance can't be neither produced or imported on the market of the European Union.

The public authorities of Member States must examine the registration dossiers and worrying substances. These authorities are obliged to issue or not the authorization for substances that has a risk for the human health or the environment. The procedure has been simplified, even if there are other possible restrictions about some of this dangerous substances.

The REACH system, adopted at the end of 2006, substitutes 40 preceeding legislative laws. Based on the preceeding legislation, the chemical substances put on the market before the 1981 (that is about the 99% of the substances currently on the market) wasn't subjected to testing. Moreover, the preceeding procedure, too slow, penalized the innovation and the substitution of substances available on the market.